Collage of YMCA ShineOn branded plan covers reading Public Relations & Advocacy Plan and Property Divestiture plan
YMCAs Across Canada

Strategies and Campaigns That Boost Health, Belonging & Potential

YMCA associations across Canada support people of all ages and stages to connect to each other, to community and to life-changing programs and services in health and fitness, child care, camp, youth engagement, employment, immigrant services and more. This transformative national charity focuses on igniting the potential in people, and that job could not be more important as Canadian communities grow, change and face new pressures. YMCA teams are dedicated and determined to balance the many needs of individuals, children, youth, families and seniors, in support of strong and healthy communities. They are also a significant employer and collectively manage thousands of program and service locations, while balancing expectations as a charity, a community partner, and an asset manager. With this breadth of opportunity and complexity, YMCAs can need support from time to time to get it all done – on time, on budget and aligned with Y values. When they do, they turn to sagecomm.

Whether with strategic planning, marketing-communications, public relations, creative, advertising or digital strategy and implementation, the sagecomm team has been supporting our YMCA partners from British Columbia to Nova Scotia, and communities in between, since 2009.

With a broad and deep understanding of the unique Y model and the many programs and services offered to a range of audiences, we have partnered with nearly two dozen YMCA associations for more than 15 years on hundreds of projects to deliver the YMCA’s unique value proposition to more Canadians – sometimes within constrained budgets and in crowded marketplaces – so that each association can grow, effect change, build culture  and contribute to stronger Canadian communities.

Services Delivered

  • Research & Discovery
  • Positioning & Key Message Development
  • Issue Management
  • Community & Careholder Engagement
  • Strategic Plan Development
  • Market Research
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Brand Experience and Brand Culture Planning
  • Unification Communications
  • Content Development & Copywriting
  • Website Design & Development
  • Material Design


  • Nonprofit

Featured work samples

Facility Openings

Full service marketing, communications and community engagement to create momentum and drive leads toward membership acquisition.

Bettie Allard YMCA Opening, Coquitlam

Pop-up banner in large open area with image of young child playing that reads “You Belong Here. Discover health, connection, and community. Join Today!
Sandwich board with YMCA ad containing an image of two young children hugging in a swimming pool that reads “Come together. Here. Let’s Build a healthier Coquitlam together. Be the first in the door.
Toddler jumping into a pool holding hands with mother and father. Border around image that reads “Belong. Here. The new Bettie Allard YMCA.”Graphic with YMCA Logo that reads “Membership means more. Here”

A phased, multi-channel approach to drive awareness, interest and presales and overall membership conversions.

Collage of iPhones with images of family photos displayed on screen.
Adult woman sitting lifting weights smiling at an adult man in the background. Overlay that reads “You see a fitness floor. We see a place for everyone to live longer and healthier lives. Here is where you will be active, connect with others and grow in spirit, mind and body with the highest quality equipment. You Belong Here.”YMCA employee smiling behind front desk. Overlay that reads “You see a YMCA membership. We see the opportunity for everyone to truly belong. Here is where inclusive health, wellness, and community is open to all, regardless of one’s financial situation. You belong here.”Graphic floor map of Bettie Allard YMCA. Including Level 1 legend and links to social accounts.
sagecomm creates beautiful, compelling designs but is much more than a typical creative agency. Their expertise in positioning our cause and in creating compelling cases for support has assisted in the growth of our association for 15 years. They truly understand, and care deeply about, the YMCA movement.
– Andrew Lockie, CEO, YMCA of Southwestern Ontario

John W. Lindsay YMCA Opening, Halifax

Front and back one-pager with image of man on exercise bike. Document outlines benefits of signing up for an adult membership at the YMCA.
Two covers of YMCA ads with young children playing basketball and a young family in a swimming pool.
Woman smiling at camera while on recumbent bike. Word “inclusion” over image.
Woman running on indoor running track while listening to music. Word “respect” over image.


Communications strategy and implementation to engage internal and external careholders and communities as associations work to become stronger, together.

YMCA BC & YMCA of Northeastern Ontario

Laptop open to YMCABC unification website.
On left: Poster with young girl on swing, with information about the YMCA of BC’s unification. On right: Banner depicting YMCA of Northeastern Ontario’s unification. Reads “unlimited potential”

Comprehensive and thoughtful strategies and tools to communicate the possibilities, opportunities, rationale and processes to key internal and external audiences.

Camp Marketing

Promotion of remarkable summer experiences that increase enrolment and participation for legacy camps and brand new destinations.

Day & Overnight Camp, YMCA of Southwestern Ontario

Graphic map of YMCA Camp Henry with information about accommodations, meals, activities, drop off & pick up.
YMCA poster reading “Summer Day Camp kids love. Register now!”


Strategies, copy, creative and implementation to build awareness, engagement and action, whether staff recruitment, participant enrolment or branch membership.

Bob Chan-Kent Family YMCA, Chilliwack

Postcard with two women laughing and lifting weights reading “One place with something for everyone. At the Bob Chan-Kent Family YMCA.” on front. Membership rates and options on back with QR code and address.
Bus shelter with Bob Chan-Kent Family YMCA advertisement of spin class reading “stronger, happier you.”
iPhone displaying image of mother and child floating in pool with text that reads “Explore gym, swim, yoga, community and more at the Bob Chan-Kent Family YMCA.
Father and two sons smiling at camera holding a basketball in a gym. Overlay with YMCA logo that reads “Discover the endless opportunities.” Two elderly women in a gym flexing their biceps and smiling at camera. YMCA logo in top right corner. Graphic image with YMCA logo that reads “Join a community that supports each other so we can all shine brighter, together.” Young women in yoga class meditating with overlay with YMCA logo that reads “explore our programming possibilities”.
The sagecomm team is a true partner, ensuring their support wraps around our team to deliver smart, realistic and measurable impact through marketing and engagement plans. Over the past two years, sagecomm has helped us to introduce a new YMCA into a community; conducted market research to provide insights into the best way to position our offerings; and supported the roll out of our ​unified YMCA BC to internal and external stakeholders. Their understanding of the Y, and the wide skill set they can bring to projects, makes it truly feel like they are an extension of our team—easily collaborating to plan, execute, measure and adjust.
– Signi Solmundson, Vice President, Marketing, Communications & Government Relations, YMCA BC


Three advertisements on iPhone for a career in Child care at the Bettie Allard YMCA, with young children smiling at the camera.


Copy, creative and layout for important publications to share strategy, engage donors and report to communities and careholders.

YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth & Northeastern Ontario

YMCA of Greater Halifax Dartmouth Gratitude Report open on tabletop
Cover of YMCA of Northeastern Ontario Community Report 2018-2019 with two young children smiling at camera.
Cover of YMCA of Greater Halifax Dartmouth 2024-2029 Strategic Plan with young teen holding basketball and smiling at camera.

General Assets

General support for programs and creative that engages more participants and champions with brand aligned strategies and tools.

YMCA of Greater Halifax Dartmouth

Four poster banners on brick wall outside that read “Belong, Connect, Thrive, Let your potential shine” with images of YMCA members.
sagecomm is one of the most responsive, talented and client focused agencies I've ever worked with.
– Pamela Marck, Vice President of Brand Experience & Strategic Initiatives, YMCA of Simcoe Muskoka

YThrive Launch, YMCA of Southwestern Ontario

Hanging banner with graphic of running woman that reads “Put a stronger you in motion.”
Collage of graphic advertisements for YThrive reading “put a happier you in motion. YThrive will help you get there”
Young woman in gym giving thumbs up and holding a YThrive poster

Strategy and Communications

Support to manage communication opportunities and challenges, from positioning and community engagement, to public relations, issue management and media strategy.

Various YMCAs Across Canada

Cover of 2024 YMCA Public Relations & Advocacy Plan with two men lifting weights and smiling. Graphic cover of YMCA 2024 Issue Management Strategy plan. Cover of 2024 Community Engagement Plan with image of two elderly women flexing biceps and smiling at camera. Graphic cover of YMCA 2024 Property Divestiture Plan.

Market Research & Engagement

Engagement with communities and careholders to assess brand perceptions, internal insights, marketing opportuities and future strategies.

YMCAs of Northern Alberta, Southwestern Ontario & BC

Six slides of sagecomm and YMCA campaign reporting presentation.